02.12.2024.With this release, the TALES DLC expansion pass is now complete!
Hello Survivors,
Today we’re pleased to announce the release of TALES Part Six, “Broken Silence”. This is the last part of the TALES DLC for Survival Mode, and concludes the 2-year expansion pass. The TALES DLC will continue to be available for purchase in its entirety moving forward.
“Broken Silence” is the biggest update for TALES and the base Survival game since the launch of the DLC expansion pass campaign in December 2022. The following 18-minute update video goes into great detail about all the new features and content in “Broken Silence”, for both the Paid and Free streams.
NOTE: Paid content is only available to people who own the TALES DLC. Free updates are available to anyone who owns THE LONG DARK or THE LONG DARK: SURVIVAL MODE products.
For a full roadmap outlining all the features and content included in the TALES DLC, please visit the full Expansion Pass page. The following major features are included in “Broken Silence”:
Safehouse Customization (Free for all players)

We’ve added a deep Safehouse Customization system for all players to use. Over 100 locations in the game can now be modified by moving or removing furniture and decorative items, crafting new items using the Furniture Bench and Woodworking Tools, and gathering materials and decorative items from all over Great Bear island and the Far Territory. This is one of the biggest changes to the game the team has ever accomplished, and we are excited to see how players express their creativity and survival ethos through their personalized Safehouse locations. (Includes many new items never before available in the game!)
Cougar Redux (TALES DLC owners only)

The Cougar hunts and patrols its territory, mainly located in the rocky or deeply forested areas on the fringes of various regions. Enjoy it from afar, or risk your life traversing its territory. The more you encounter it, the more its territory expands, ratcheting up your risk factors for travel and survival. The Cougar is a crafty hunter and is best avoided, but if you dare encroach on its territory you will face a struggle for survival beyond anything you’ve encountered so far. Look for signs, listen, be wise, and be careful!
Global Wildlife Refresh (Free for all players)
Establish new patterns for hunting and travel through the world to avoid, or seek out, wildlife. Every wildlife spawn region in the game has been refreshed. Expect to encounter predators like Bears, Wolves, and now Cougars, in new and dangerous places. Find prey animals like Deer, Rabbits, and Ptarmigan have made homes in new locations. Wildlife populations have been rebalanced across the entire game world. Even Timberwolf spawns have been refreshed, so that they don’t always appear where they used to.
Instant Camera (TALES DLC owners only)

Find the Instant Camera, along with colour, black & white, or sepia film stock. Take photos and add them to your journal Album, where you can notate them. Frame them and hang them in your Safehouse. Become a wilderness photographer.
Trader (TALES DLC owners only)

Keep your ears open for the emergency radios across the Island to come to life during an aurora. You may hear an unexpected voice from a boat offshore. Sutherland’s been out there since the lights in the sky first appeared, and he has a story to tell. But first, you’ll have to earn his trust. He’ll trade rare items that he scavenges off the coastline in exchange for things he needs from Great Bear Island. (Includes many new items never before available in the game!)
Meat Curing Box & Salt (TALES DLC owners only)
Use Woodworking Tools to craft a new Meat Curing box. Gather salt from caves or the coastline, and preserve meat or fish for the long haul.
Achievements (TALES DLC & Free for all players)
We’ve added Achievements for TALES, including some unlocks for features that were added to the base Survival game for free, and some that are TALES specific.
And More…
Please watch the update video and visit the TALES expansion pass site for more information on what has been included in “Broken Silence”.
A Note on Release Platforms
Please note that today’s launch of “Broken Silence” is for Steam, Xbox, and Epic Game Store. The PlayStation version will be updated ASAP this week; we are waiting for Sony to approve it for release. As has already been communicated to players, the Nintendo Switch release of Parts Five and Six have been delayed until the new year.
Bugs and Support
Please report any issues you have to our Support Portal. We expect a high volume of reports and the Support Portal will take precedence over our other communication channels, so it is your best way to get help. It will not be possible to respond to every forum post or social media post reporting bugs or issues. We ask for your patience as we work to resolve all outstanding reports during this busy time of year.
Winter Holiday
The team will take a much-needed break between December 20th and January 6th. Support channels and general communication will be delayed during this period as a result. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you!
Thank you to all those who purchased the TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY DLC. Your support of our efforts helps enable us to continue updating THE LONG DARK. We appreciate all your patience as we worked to deliver the promised roadmap, which took much longer than expected. Please refer to the October Dev Diary for more information on our plans to continue supporting THE LONG DARK next year, including shipping WINTERMUTE Episode Five ASAP.
Enjoy “Broken Silence”, and we’ll see you in the new year.
– The Hinterland Team