07.12.2020.Hello Community,
We’ve just updated The Long Dark to v1.89 (69558) — HESITANT PROSPECT.
For a detailed breakdown of the new features and changes, please review the latest update video.
CHANGELIST v1.89 [69558]
- New Region: Ash Canyon
- New Challenge Mode: Darkwalker
- New UI: Region Selection Menu
- New Gear Items: Crampons and the Technical Backup
- [General] Fixed an issue that caused the game to hang when loading, while a third party overlay (IE Steam, Nvidia overlays) was active.
- [General] Fixed a potential hang that could occur when launching the game.
- [General] Post Unity 2019 upgrade optimization.
- [Audio] Fixed an issue that prevented wildlife audio from playing.
- [Enviro] Fixed various floating or clipping objects found throughout the world.
- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas Players could become stuck on terrain.
- [Enviro] Fixed misaligned texture on the Park Sign found in Milton.
- [Lighting] Optimized indoor light volumes to help remove seams in dark areas.
- [Map] Improved how icons are sorted when in close proximity on the Map.
- [Map] Added missing icon for the Mystery Lake, Carter Hydro Dam exit.
- [UI] New Region Selection Menu.
- [UI] Tuned the Crafting menu to approve the general quality of life.
- [UI] Update the States Menu to be more visually clear.
- [UI] Added more Loading Icons on the Load Screens.
- [UI] Localization pass and bug fixes.
- [UI] Improved the Russian description for the Hunted Part 2 badge.
- [UI] Fixed Gear items not appearing correctly when viewed Inspection mode, while the HUD is disabled.
- [General] Fixed an issue that could cause the Spray Glyph option to appear in Survival Mode games.
- [EP3] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to lock-up, when answering a phone call.
- [Darkwalker] Fixed the incorrect death message appearing when killed by natural causes.
- [Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that caused the Spray Paint cap to appear at an incorrect offset, when spraying a Glyph.
- [Darkwalker] Improved how the Darkwalker tracks the Player after transitioning to a new Region.
- [Darkwalker] Added ropes to some climbing points in Broken Railroad and Pleasant Valley.
- [Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that caused some localized Tool Tip text to be cut off.
- [Darkwalker] Added missing subtitles.
- [Darkwalker] Fixed an issue that prevented the audio stringer to play correctly, when the Darkwalker appears while inside an interior.
- [Darkwalker] Ward fires now go out once the ward has expired.
- [Darkwalker] Wards placed on the outside of an exterior now expire correctly, while inside.
- [Darkwalker] Interiors now prevent players from placing a ward fire while one is already active.
- [Darkwalker] No longer able to remove a banish glyph, once placed
- [Darkwalker] Fixed an error that would cause a dialog to appear in-game, if the player left, then returned to a region with an active ward fire.
- [Hunted Pt 2] Fixed an issue that would cause the Old Bear to disappear, if the player transitioned at a very specific point in the Old Bear’s animation.
- [Enviro] Fixed an issue that caused some waterfalls to appear black.
- [Xbox] Intro video can appear corrupted when playing with HDR enabled. This does not appear to impact any other part of the game.
- [All] Ash Canyon time explored is currently not tracked and does not appear in the journal.