19.05.2020.Hello Community,
We’ve just updated The Long Dark to v1.76 (62505) — FEARLESS NAVIGATOR.
For a detailed breakdown of the new features and changes, please review the latest Update video.
Full Release Notes are available below.
Find Spray Cans in the world. Leave markers identifying important survival information such as the location of supplies or dangerous places to avoid. These in-world indicators appear on your map so that you can find things back even days or weeks after you’ve left a region.
Build a landmark to help you navigate, and create emergency supply caches along commonly travelled routes. Review your Caches in the Journal, and leave notes on what you’ve stored in them so you can find vital tools or resources in the future.
Hard to find Polaroids in the world indicate locations that offer sweeping Vista views of a region. Get to those locations and Survey them to reveal the majority of a region’s map!
The Charcoal Survey action now reveals an enhanced radius on the Map. Surveying from higher altitudes now increases how much of the Map is revealed.
Turn layers of information on and off in the Map. Locate and rename Rock Caches. Keep track of all Surveyed locations to know if you’ve found them all. Especially useful if you are hunting locations for the Faithful Cartographer achievement.
New Autowalk accessibility feature ensures comfort for players with hand or wrist issues. New Opt-in Telemetry gathers gameplay data the development team will use to inform future balance and feature development efforts (Note: Telemetry is defaulted to OFF and needs to be turned on in the Options>Privacy settings.)
…in addition to the dozens of general improvements listed below.
These are issues we’re currently tracking and will be addressing in an upcoming hotfix:
- [UI] When viewing the Rock Cache Notes in your Journal, the scroll bar will not scroll.
- [UI] When viewing the Rock Cache Notes in your Journal, the edit button will appear, even if there are no notes to edit.
- [Audio] Sometimes during a blizzard, ambient wind sounds may become muted.
- Players on Mac may not be able to see Spray Paint markers on the map, when sprayed on the ground
- Players are unable to edit Rock Cache notes when playing with a controller
- [General] Fixed stuttering when looking towards Wolves, while in Milton.
- [General] Fixed null exception that would occur when lighting the Pot Belly Stove.
- [General] Bear sound effects no longer play when a carcass is removed from the world.
- [General] Updated Steam Controller profile.
- [General] Fixed an issue that prevented Players from being able to save or load their game if the save contained invalid data.
- [Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance.
- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could become stuck in.
- [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could get outside of the intended play area.
- [Enviro] Fixed numerous clipping and floating objects.
- [Enviro] Performed various optimizations to avoid texture popping.
- [Enviro] Added casting shadows to numerous trees.
- [Enviro] Improvements to item placement system to reduce frequency of out of reach items.
- [Enviro] Fixed many minor art bugs to improve general polish in Bleak Inlet region.
- [Enviro] Environment art polish to improve sight-lines between major visual landmarks in Bleak Inlet.
- [Enviro] Removed extra window outlines that could appear on Trailers.
- [Enviro] Fixed several instances of trees placed incorrectly in Coastal Highway.
- [Enviro] Fixed several instances of collision being incorrect on porches in the Milton townsite.
- [UI] Fixed an issue that caused icons on the Map to no longer populate, after mapping or discovering a large number of locations.
- [UI] Updated alignment on help text to make it consistent.
- [UI] Added missing Map icons found in the Town of Milton.
- [UI] Added missing Map icon hover text, when viewing the Derailment in the Ravine Crummy.
- [UI] Fixed missing UI elements when viewing notes, while the HUD is disabled.
- [UI] Fixed an incorrect tooltip found in Options->Display menu.
- [UI] Cooking UI now displays updated weight of items, instead of always showing the base weight.
- [UI] Added Audio options for selecting Headphones or Speakers.
- [UI] Fixed incorrectly named transitions areas on the Bleak Inlet Map.
- [UI] Updated labels on transition zones to be more consistent.
- [UI] When Crafting Tinder Plugs, the craft value will no longer appear as Rounds.
- [UI] Updated scroll bars to work consistently across all menus.
- [UI] Removed an extraneous line in the Skills menu.
- [Loc] Fixed multiple instances of overlapping Russian text.
- [All Modes] Added Lost and Found boxes to all remaining scenes.
- [Gameplay] Players will no longer lose Stamina if they are holding shift, while lighting or extinguishing a Lantern.
- [Gameplay] Replaced the non-interactable stack of papers found on the Workbench, with an interactable version.
- [Gameplay] The Cooking Pot now provides the correct bonus when cooking meat.
- [Gameplay] Breaking down items will no longer cause nearby gear items to drop through the ground.
- [Gameplay] Updated the water in the Mine Tunnels to deal less cold damage.
- [Gameplay] Fixed bug where Revolver Bullet weight changed when added to your inventory.
- [Gameplay] Improved moving items to the Lost and Found box, if they have fallen outside of the world.
- [WINTERMUTE] Completing an Episode 1 or Episode 2 Side Missions now displays a completion message.
- [EPISODE THREE] Fixed an issue in the Mine exiting Pleasant Valley, where players would be repositioned after reloading a saved game.
- [EPISODE THREE] Added missing foley to the second part of the Mine Tremor cinematic.
- [EPISODE THREE] IDs are now removed from the Players inventory when completing the Fallen Star mission in Episode Three .
- [EPISODE THREE] Removed access to Timberwolf Mountain from Pleasant Valley.
- [EPISODE THREE] Fixed the spawn condition of the Revolver found in Molly’s basement.
- [Survival] Fixed incorrect spawn rate for the Prepper Cache found in Pleasant Valley.
- [Survival] All cabins now display smoke coming out of their chimney, when a fire is lit inside.
- [Survival] When sleeping, the save file screenshot will now occur after the player transitions from sleep, instead of during the transition.
- [Survival] Players can now place a Rifle on the gun rack found in the Hunting Lodge.
- [Survival] Cancelling while drinking Coffee will now award the appropriate amount of progress to the “Straight to the Heart” Feat.
- [Survival] Pre-Spawned campfires will no longer respawn, when loading a save where they were previously broken down.
- [Saves] Implemented a check to force the Aurora to be enabled on Survival Mode save files created prior to the Aurora being enabled.